Software Engineer


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, Visual Basic


React.js, Express, Django, Node.js, jQuery, ASP.Net


MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Snowflake, Apache Cassandra, Microsoft Access


Tableau, Microsoft SSRS


Jira, Confluence


Git/GitHub, GitHub Desktop


Visual Studio Code

This is a website for a record store that will be reopening in 2024. It allows the owner to post “Records of the Week” that can be promoted on Instagram and Facebook. It features a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture and demonstrates full CRUD capability as well as responsive design. Technologies used include HTML, CSS, Express, MongoDB, and Cloudinary (for the photo upload).

Site Link  |  GitHub

This model-view-controller MERN-stack application enables small business users to track inventory. I collaborated on the React frontend, implemented a backend RESTful API, and tested all endpoints with Postman. This API is called by React and reads/writes data to and from a MongoDB database. Technologies used include React, JavaScript, Express, and MongoDB. To view, logon with email and password “test”.

Site Link  |  GitHub

This simple and fun application demonstrates full CRUD capability. It was built with Python and Django.

Site Link  |  GitHub

About Me

David's origin story in tech begins in the late 1990's while he was employed at an insurance company. He taught himself database design and application development in in order to solve an existing business problem. After three months he showed his finished product to upper management, and in that moment his tech career was born.

Since then, David has been a software developer, project manager, scrum master, systems analyst and technical curriculum developer. Out all of these, he prefers software development because he gets to create solutions that make his business partners' jobs easier.

In his personal time, David is a fan of both sumo wrestling and photography. He has traveled around the country photographing tournaments, and has traveled as far as Hau'ula, Hawaii to photograph the Hawaiian team. His next project is to author a coffee-table photo book featuring American sumo wrestlers and how sumo wrestling turned street kids around and healed their emotional trauma.

David lives in Austin, Texas and enjoys both film and digital photography. When he's not in his darkroom developing film, he can be found paddle boarding, hiking, tinkering with vintage computers, or hanging out with his dog, Luna.